The heartthrob.

A passionate soul and an enriching personality he withholds, so strong, that made me feel crazy about him, not talking to him, I could feel that, that feeling, which is not so normal for me, happened, again; after a long time.

He’s intellect indestructible, and so full of himself, which makes me yearn to initiate a conversation.

His emotions so powerful, keeping me captivated. Attracted. Missing. Longing. Not lust, but a reunion of minds and soul, after a long time, that I don’t want to let go of, even for a nanosecond.

He gives all of it, with whatever he’s left with, indeed a pure soul. But I’m still incapable to reciprocating the feeling, to love back and to become vulnerable. To become loveable. Insecurities so deep entrenched, making me oblivious.

He, loves from his heart, so empathetic, which gives him the power to understand and attach to human beings so easily, he’s indeed godlike. He’s indeed more deserving. He’s indeed an unprofessional anthropologist, so unique of a being.

Blessed is she, who finds him as a lover, cursed is she who’s unable to love him back. He, who? Such an optimistic soul, yet so deep and philosophical, quotes harsh reality and can talk in depth, yet so lively and cheerful, wanting more and more from life.

Falling for him is easy, loving him is even easier, even for those who are so difficult to love and are incapable of loving.

He makes them realise that love isn’t impossible, neither all fun and games, rather a blessing. A blessing so divine, which makes you discover you weren’t living before, a dead soul, mind and body, who was clueless.

Never encountered such a beautiful soul before, I tell you, cling hard to him, never let him go, because if you do, you will be dead again.

So dead, that it would be harder for you to change, to love. But you’ve gotten a life now, as long as you’re with him, and are loving, you’re not dead anymore.

On Relationships.

I was in my sleep yesterday when I very deliriously realised that something of very important relevance had popped up in my mind.It was about relationships.

And I knew I struggled when it came to this, because of my apprehensions and irrational preconceived notions and my ability to relate with people or just the fear of losing people. It was of particular importance because I in my dreams realised what I actually wanted! I, came to a conclusion that, I would either boy-friend a person or boyfriend him, that sounds funny, I know. But there’s no in between. I’ll tell you why, because I’m this person who invests so much of time and energy and effort once I develop a strong liking for someone, and I expect and deserve the same from the other person, but most of the times they’re flings, and people today, don’t take people seriously, playing with feelings and ditching has become just so mainstream that we’ve forgotten what love is, how it should be done, and to whom to invest in.

Even though I might be sounding conventional and on the note of doubting my own opinions just setting boundaries like these have helped me relax over the time, that knowing and demanding what you want is just a basic sense of assertiveness which is one of the most important life skill to develop. And according to me, flings are old school now, we need the pure innocent selfless love back. Or else we’ll wait?

To top off, sometimes we question ourselves and the dissociative thoughts begin to conquer our minds, when a relationship doesn’t work or goes off the track, we start thinking what’s wrong with us and why it didn’t work, rather than accepting it wasn’t meant to be and that maybe the other person wasn’t exactly the type you’d have imagined yourself to be with, maybe it’s adaptation problems, or maybe you or them aren’t just really ready for a relationship. Because a relationship requires maturity, the other ones wreck an emotional havoc, so better be emotionally and mentally well prepared knowing that you know and own and respect oneself before getting yourself into one. So, it’s just not your fault that it didn’t work, the factors could be innumerable, as simple as a misunderstanding.

Usually, it’s the insecurities. But to remind myself, even the prettiest models and celebs and the best of the best people as portrayed by the media, aren’t able to work with it as placidly, they have constant feuds and disagreements and most of the times it leads to divorces either because they weren’t even actually ready for it, as we know, or because I believe they’re superficial.

Also, what you avoid, controls you. For me, my fears and apprehensions and overcoming them would be a big feat, and I’d be able to see the bigger picture. I feel like loyalty and honesty, in a person is very attractive, appreciable and is the foundation of any long lasting relationship. Without that, a person wouldn’t be able to give in their 100 percent and would always think that they’re not super into it and are more likely to indulge in infidelity and cheating. When you’re sure of a person not leaving you, you become more open and flexible and more trusting.

Relationships based on shallow motives never last, you need to shine bright within, and you need to be a good human being above all, setting your priorities straight and respecting one heck of yourself, never fails. Just imagine you dating someone who’s super pretty but you find out they’re super arrogant and shitty, you’ll feel all the wrong things happening to you and you’re going to question yourself at the end of the day, the other person is already entitled, so it’s better if we choose people based on their temper and personalities rather than looks and riches.

This was just a random thought, hope you guys relate with it. Also, if you were patient enough to read all of it (to which I’m very grateful for) comment below your take on, on relationships!

🙂 xoxo

Change is inevitable.

Change is an inevitable part of our life.  It happens whether we’re ready or not, sometimes it could happen at the times when we’re least ready for it. One of the secrets of living successfully is to learn to handle the changes we find coming our way.  It is possible to learn to set our sail so that the winds of change blow us in the direction we choose rather than onto the rocks.  

Most people like monotony in life, or let’s say they’re rather used to being comfortable with the same ol’ routine everyday. Who doesn’t? Oh, Cmon, that’s easier! But then for some changes are awaited, for those with dynamic personalities (well, personality is in itself dynamic) who are in need for constant change, find monotony boring. Well, someone like me, I would need some changes in life here and after all the time. Be prepared for a little but an interesting rant, about why changes are so important, it might change your perspective, you never know. 😉

Why I’m being so stubborn about the positive perception of change, is because it’s not always something detrimental, changes can equally be for one’s betterment. I want no other individual, but life to change me and make me a better person. I want none other but life to teach me lessons.

Positive changes are important, if not brought about in one way or the other could be dangerous for one. For example, an individual having social anxiety if keeps reassuring himself or herself about loving oneself and one’s company or embracing solitude and finding comfort in that he’d never be able to come out of it, only if he tries to bring in a change or try something new.

The root cause of most people to not accept changes readily is a ‘narrow mind’, or rather a conventional ideologist who keeps saying they’re the best until they die. It’s the entitlement one assumes internally and the assuming one’s opinions the most relevant which makes them oppose to changes and suggestions. It’s a cocktail of ego and conventionalism which makes people unacceptable to changes. Because they would be never in their unconscious aware of how positive changes could be at times. It’s the changing for the better rather than Changing oneself for others or society. They could mean two very different concepts.

There are mostly two types of changes, one which nature brings upon and nobody has a say on it, say death or a traumatising event, the other are those which we are capable to bring about and to adapt to changes as well. Both are necessary and essential, provided god has set somethings already for you, what happens, happens for the best. The negative one is the inflicted change we’re talking about, one to conform to societal norms and to be accepted, that’s the kind of a change we’d like to keep ourselves apart from. If the balance between the three is kept, the individual lives in harmony, and if one’s not they’ll stick with their perception of being the best. The characteristics of those people would be such as they would be entitled, rude, adamant and not at all flexible, irritable, challenging and difficult to deal with, not easy to convince, aggressive most of the times, and opinionated.

As we all are aware of the notion of imperfection, and that nobody’s perfect, changes brought about to elevate oneself and to be attuned with themselves better are necessary. Most of the great personalities go through a lot in life, which in turned changed themselves through the course and made them whatever they are now. They come out like fine grained wheat, capable of handling adversities in the face of life.

On top of that, self help books popularise the notion of NOT CHANGING ONESELF in whatever circumstances, and I can’t even comment more on how generalised shit it is. All they provide is just false reassurance, validation and made up acceptance which people have failed to get in real and are trying to seek it through a book which makes it even worse, because they generalise it and apply it without thinking once and for all! The primitive need of feeling secured and accepted is the one which makes them do it according to the human actualisation theory. Those are just money making gimmicks for naive people, the sooner you understand the better it is. It should be the experience which should preach and not just a man claiming they’re self made but are hiding their decks of money they just debited recently from their dad’s bank account and living through it

Sometimes changes are natural and then sometimes you’d have to out there in order to know yourself better, and time and situations would do their magic. Moreover personality is dynamic, no one person remains the same as they were born like. I was adamant about me being that way and not changing for good, but when I had to move places and when I struggled due to this I understood how much peer support as well as familial support is important. You CANT survive yourself, if I may say so. You will need people because we’re humans and not some enlightened godly creatures who can get away from it. Believe me when I say so I still Don’t like socialising but I’m changing for the good. People aren’t as bad as you think, it’s just that you haven’t met the right kind of people,you get to learn from everybody. And so as you teach and influence people for the better.

You might still have social anxiety, who knows? Sometimes I feel like I do too, but is it because I MYSELF have forced me to kept aloof from people just because my vehement thoughts ask me not to change? the answer is within you, but sometimes people bring out that for you easily. It’s not that people define you, you’ve already defined yourself as your ideal self. Now ask yourself, does it correspond with your real self?

This is something which I wrote to my friend, over which we were discussing about the changes in life.

We never know what’s right, or wrong in any situation except the ultimate reality (if you believe in) even that’s a question. The truth which seems so true can be misleading whereas the falsehood may hold truth which we never know now, but could be proved in the future. People have different ways of living and ethics and ideals, so different things work for different people. What I may apply on, wouldn’t necessarily work for you and vice versa. We’re all just like the sailors in a stormy sea with different strategies to survive.

Isolation leads you to deeper thinking. Although I have understood the importance of the people in my life and I spend time with them as much I run my daily hassles. I never realised how much important my friends were, and how much important friends are in general for an individual until I lived through not having a strong and deep relationship/friendship. If I have now, I say with that experience of how much stronger that makes me feel from inside. Its the bias ness towards each other which governs and directs our behaviour with everybody. It’s just that these behaviours and feelings are so mutual and ingrained in our unconscious that we’re most of the times unaware of it. But don’t let that bias ness in you not let deliver the actually reality (again there’s no reality just perspectives) so there’s this circular never ending cycle , but i believe dealing with such issues forthrightly and from conscience Is the best way to bring a solution.

The last suggestion is to have a dynamic for change—Jesus Christ.

Lastly, prepare for setbacks.  They will come.  If we are prepared for them, we will not be so easily discouraged by them.  Remember that everyone who accomplishes anything worthwhile experiences setbacks.  Life just seems to be designed that way.  And I think that is to keep the undeserving from getting the best life has to offer.  Those things are reserved for the ones who persevere and triumph. 

Happiness is a mirage.

Let’s start off by trying to define happiness in literal terms. According to some happiness would be chocolates or ice cream or good grades or just as simple as their parents!

But is it just that? Is happiness always measured tangibly? Is it always taken on face value? Is it that superficial?

The answer to all that is happiness is nothing but subjectivity. What might be making me happy as a person wouldn’t necessarily make another being happy. For example not every human associated with me would preferably like a hamster if I do or just get happy with a glimpse of it. Happiness is all about subjectivity, some people are contented and are happy with the least of the least such as food which is a basic necessity for humans, and some resent and are dissatisfied even with the most luxurious souvenirs possibly available to them.

Secondly, happiness isn’t actually a thing but just a state of transition from the adversities of life to the normal periods and subjective gains of people which makes them ‘happy’, it’s just a state of mind. People would be always happy or at peace if there weren’t any hardships to be faced by them. Just like there’s no rainbow without rain.

Thirdly, No one’s eternally happy or ever could be- those saints which portray to be, they’re just conditioned to think that they’ve attained nirvana and constantly force themselves that they’re happy and free from worldly pleasures, which in reality they’re just persistently repressing all their desires and negativity- from when a child takes birth till he/she dies they’re repeatedly facing miseries of life as of when a child doesn’t get milk they cry and as simple as it could be to not get sleep, and an oldie constantly in an irritable mood and troubled by the thoughts of death and illness until it drives them to the cemetery hopefully not being a victim of hypochondriasis.

So again, instead of whining for happiness all the time we should focus on the presence and our goals, not just those aims which are superficial and just provide temporary state of happiness. People should never run after that, people should run after those goals which would satiate and assure their long term happiness, like finding true love, or keeping one’s parents happy and respecting the ethics of life and following the path of servitude.

It’s always the circular never ending cycle of life which correlates with everything including happiness, I would have given a first hand experience but I’m not good with autobiographies, but life just shouldn’t be taken too seriously that we forget to live it, in midst of understanding it’s meaning and our existence, it’s just too dangerous a trap for humans who’re cajoled by it.

Happiness is just peace, in simple words. When a person feels himself or herself at peace they’re said to be happy, and vice versa. So instead we should go after attaining peace rather than happiness which is just an another synonym of it. Peace of mind, when attained, one could become a mahatma, meaning a great soul.

That is why meditation focuses on the mind and the peace of mind, Where it is like Mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. If you’re in control of your mind you’ll never find yourself at a greater state of passiveness and peace of mind whereas when you fail to tame your mind, it takes over, your life and your emotions. Governing it in all the ways possible.

There’s a saying which goes like what you appreciate, appreciates ; and what you don’t appreciate, depreciates. According to Islam, kufr or ingratitude towards a thing or keep wanting for more and more and not appreciating positive aspects of oneself and the life, the ultimate reality might get angry and even take that away, whereas shukr or showing gratitude and counting the blessings, doubles it up.

So instead of finding for happiness in self help books, or reading 10 ways to be more happier instantly and doubting what’s wrong with oneself, try to help a person out everyday. Make it a goal to help anybody, at least one person, throughout the day in the easiest way possible if not in a considerable manner. That is to me the state of peace/happiness. And then don’t forget to do what you do and love it to the core, listening to your heart and taking a step towards controlling your mind!

Holy Love.

Among the clouds, where it’s deep, dark, and quiet is where my abode is.

Death is the only way to our reunion.

Or else, I could liberate you from the earthly vexation and haul you way higher than it could ever seem

Because my love, I’m an angel.

You ask me to materialise and sweep you off your feet.

But darling, you would have to wait and anticipate my arrival,

So that I’ll let you confess your sins and prove it to you that our love isn’t just mere.

So that I would tell you all about my past and the reason why I dwell in presence.

And I’ll try honey, to become your daydream in this world of nightmares.

But I’m confused, whether you’re a keeper or a player or even worthy of my love?

My love, so divine, is a lake of holy water,

In which I ask you to take a deep dive in and you’ll emerge victorious.

That’s how I became the mysterious angel, darling, your righteous love made me;

That mysterious angel you always dreamt of meeting.

But what if things won’t be as how you expected them to be

You will have to accept the fate or as you may call, the destiny.

Feelings extended as far as we’re not ready to let go of each other,

Come to the 21st era my beloved one, as they say we can Netflix and chill?

Or maybe end it to bed following with cigarettes?
