Happiness is a mirage.

Let’s start off by trying to define happiness in literal terms. According to some happiness would be chocolates or ice cream or good grades or just as simple as their parents!

But is it just that? Is happiness always measured tangibly? Is it always taken on face value? Is it that superficial?

The answer to all that is happiness is nothing but subjectivity. What might be making me happy as a person wouldn’t necessarily make another being happy. For example not every human associated with me would preferably like a hamster if I do or just get happy with a glimpse of it. Happiness is all about subjectivity, some people are contented and are happy with the least of the least such as food which is a basic necessity for humans, and some resent and are dissatisfied even with the most luxurious souvenirs possibly available to them.

Secondly, happiness isn’t actually a thing but just a state of transition from the adversities of life to the normal periods and subjective gains of people which makes them ‘happy’, it’s just a state of mind. People would be always happy or at peace if there weren’t any hardships to be faced by them. Just like there’s no rainbow without rain.

Thirdly, No one’s eternally happy or ever could be- those saints which portray to be, they’re just conditioned to think that they’ve attained nirvana and constantly force themselves that they’re happy and free from worldly pleasures, which in reality they’re just persistently repressing all their desires and negativity- from when a child takes birth till he/she dies they’re repeatedly facing miseries of life as of when a child doesn’t get milk they cry and as simple as it could be to not get sleep, and an oldie constantly in an irritable mood and troubled by the thoughts of death and illness until it drives them to the cemetery hopefully not being a victim of hypochondriasis.

So again, instead of whining for happiness all the time we should focus on the presence and our goals, not just those aims which are superficial and just provide temporary state of happiness. People should never run after that, people should run after those goals which would satiate and assure their long term happiness, like finding true love, or keeping one’s parents happy and respecting the ethics of life and following the path of servitude.

It’s always the circular never ending cycle of life which correlates with everything including happiness, I would have given a first hand experience but I’m not good with autobiographies, but life just shouldn’t be taken too seriously that we forget to live it, in midst of understanding it’s meaning and our existence, it’s just too dangerous a trap for humans who’re cajoled by it.

Happiness is just peace, in simple words. When a person feels himself or herself at peace they’re said to be happy, and vice versa. So instead we should go after attaining peace rather than happiness which is just an another synonym of it. Peace of mind, when attained, one could become a mahatma, meaning a great soul.

That is why meditation focuses on the mind and the peace of mind, Where it is like Mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. If you’re in control of your mind you’ll never find yourself at a greater state of passiveness and peace of mind whereas when you fail to tame your mind, it takes over, your life and your emotions. Governing it in all the ways possible.

There’s a saying which goes like what you appreciate, appreciates ; and what you don’t appreciate, depreciates. According to Islam, kufr or ingratitude towards a thing or keep wanting for more and more and not appreciating positive aspects of oneself and the life, the ultimate reality might get angry and even take that away, whereas shukr or showing gratitude and counting the blessings, doubles it up.

So instead of finding for happiness in self help books, or reading 10 ways to be more happier instantly and doubting what’s wrong with oneself, try to help a person out everyday. Make it a goal to help anybody, at least one person, throughout the day in the easiest way possible if not in a considerable manner. That is to me the state of peace/happiness. And then don’t forget to do what you do and love it to the core, listening to your heart and taking a step towards controlling your mind!